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28th May 2024

New Brunswick: Public Review of Draft Amendments to the Designated Materials Regulation

Dear Product Care member, 

The New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government has released draft amendments to modernize the Designated Materials Regulation – Clean Environment Act. These amendments aim to establish new Battery and Lamp waste diversion programs utilizing the extended producer responsibility (EPR) model, while also expanding the existing Electronics and Oil and Glycol waste diversion programs. 

We encourage you to review the draft amendments, which can be accessed online at the following link:  

Public Review of Draft Regulations 

The draft amendments will be available for public feedback until May 31, 2024. Should you have any feedback or questions, please submit them to 

Providing feedback is crucial in shaping these amendments, so we encourage your participation. 

Some Key Highlights of The Draft Amendments Include:

  • The definition of “brand owner” has been replaced with a hierarchical “producer” definition. 
  • Lamps are defined as a replaceable light source designed to produce light from electricity, including:  
    • Fluorescent tubes  
    • Compact fluorescent lamps  
    • High-intensity discharge lamps 
    • Incandescent lamps and 
    • Light-emitting diode lamps 
  • For the new programs, Lamps and Batteries, producers will need to register with Recycle NB by October 31, 2024, and submit a stewardship plan for approval by December 31, 2024. 
  • Plan implementation: 180 days after plan approval. 
  • Stewardship plan and annual report requirements have been updated to ensure consistency across all programs. 
  • Transitional provisions are in place to ensure the existing programs operate under the current regulation before transitioning to the new regulation on January 1, 2026. New stewardship plans, including performance measures and targets, will need to be submitted for approval to Recycle NB by June 30, 2025, and implemented by January 1, 2026.  


Product Care Team 

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